Tools and Protocols


FIT – Found in Translation

A data-driven statistical methodology which leverages public domain gene expression data to predict from the results of a mouse experiment genes expected to be altered in the equivalent human phenotype.

Please visit the mouse2man website to use the system, and for further information.


High-dimensional information enables ordering of single cells based on continuous changes in measured mRNA or protein expression. CellAlign is a tool for quantitative comparison of expression dynamics within or between single-cell trajectories.


immuneXpresso (iX) allows to learn about reported literature interactions between various  cell types and regulatory molecules (cytokines and chemokines) these cells employ for  inter-cellular signaling. Interactions captured by iX include both direct cytokine  binding/secretion events and more distant, indirect influencing relations, for
example cytokines mediating cell differentiation or impacting its proliferation without
necessarily binding directly.

Please visit the ImmuneXpresso website to use the system, and for further information.


A bioinformatics analysis pipeline that leverages single-cell sequencing data to estimate  cell type proportion and cell type-specific gene expression differences from
RNA-seq data from bulk tissue samples.


csSAM is a software for deconvolution of gene expression data. It implements methods described in Shen-Orr et al. Nature Methods April 2010. csSAM is available as an R package or as a Microsoft Excel Add-in.

Commercial users: Please contact Imelda Oropeza ( at Stanford’s Office of Technology and Licensing for a commercial license of the csSAM Excel add-in. Please do not contact Imelda Oropeza about downloading, technical questions etc. All she handles is commercial licensing!


Technion-Stanford joint forum for the mass cytometery community (CytoForum)
Phosphoflow protocols ols
Human Immune Monitoring Center protocols, Stanford